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Got questions?

We've got answers! Browse through our frequently asked questions to find the information you need quickly and easily. 

Please note that the below questions are meant to serve as a starting point and may vary based on individual circumstances.

General FAQs.

What is a tiny home?

A tiny home is a small, compact dwelling typically ranging from 20 - 120m squared, designed to maximise functionality and minimise space requirements.

Our Tiny Homes range from 15-45m squared.

Are tiny homes legal in New Zealand?

Yes, tiny homes are generally legal in New Zealand. However, regulations regarding their placement, zoning, and building requirements may vary between different regions and local authorities.

Do I need a building consent for a tiny home?

MBIE (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) have a Tiny House Guidance document to assist in determining if your tiny house is a vehicle or a building or both.  The flowchart they developed is very helpful in determining if your home is a vehicle or building.  If your tiny house is a vehicle and MOVABLE it is exempt from the Building Act 2004.   Resource consent will depend on whether you are plumbing into Council grey water systems and again we recommend it is best to contact your local Council to get all the information you require with regards to this.

Can I put a tiny home on any property?

It depends on the zoning regulations and land-use policies of the specific property. Some areas may allow tiny homes on residential lots, while others may have restrictions or specific requirements. Check with your local council for guidance.

How big can a tiny home be in New Zealand?

There is no specific size limit for a tiny home in New Zealand. However, it is important to consider local regulations and any restrictions imposed by the council or landowners.

Do you offer a warranty?

Yes, all of our products and appliances come with the manufacturer’s warranties and we offer a one year warranty on the workmanship of your tiny home and five years on the structural components. These warranty conditions are also documented in our build contract and terms of trade.

Can I live in a tiny home full-time?

Yes, you can live in a tiny home full-time in New Zealand, provided it meets the necessary building and zoning requirements for residential dwelling. All our Tiny homes are equipped with fully functioning Kitchens and Bathrooms. 

What are the advantages of living in a tiny home?

Some advantages of living in a tiny home include lower costs (both construction and ongoing expenses), reduced environmental impact, simplified lifestyle, easier maintenance, and the ability to be mobile or off-grid if desired.

How much does it cost to build a tiny home?

Our Tiny Homes range in price depending on your needs. Get in touch for a custom build quote. 

Can I rent or lease a tiny home in New Zealand?

Yes, renting or leasing a tiny home is possible in New Zealand. Some tiny home owners offer their dwellings for short-term or long-term rentals. Online platforms and local rental agencies may have listings for tiny homes.

Do you offer delivery?

Yes, Yes, we can deliver anywhere in the North Island of New Zealand. There is however a cost associated with delivery. Get in touch to find out what it could cost to get a Tiny Home delivered. 

FAQs: Building & Construction.

What materials are used to build tiny homes?

At MicroHomes, we use enviornmentally sustainable materials: 
- Steel framing
- ColorSteel and WeatherTex Cladding
- Colorsteel roofing solutions. 

Learn more about the materials we use here

The choice of materials depends on factors like budget, design preferences, and desired energy efficiency.

Can I customize the design of my tiny home?

Absolutely! One of the advantages of our tiny homes is the ability to customise and personalize the design according to your preferences and needs. From layout to finishes, you can work with our builders or designers to create a tailored custom Tiny Home Build.

How long does it take to build a tiny home?

The construction timeline for a tiny home can vary depending on its size, complexity, and the availability of labor and materials. On average, we can produce your Tiny Home in approx. 16-20 weeks. 

What utilities can be connected to a tiny home?

Our Tiny homes are all connected to essential utilities such as electricity, water, and sewage. However, the availability and connection methods may vary depending on the location and whether the tiny home is on-grid or off-grid.

Who is responsible for site preparation?

It is the sole responsibility of the customer to ensure the site upon which the tiny home is to be delivered is accessible, suitable and prepared prior to delivery.

How do I ensure my tiny home is energy-efficient?

All of our Tiny Homes are designed to be energy-efficient, they are insulated, fitted with energy-efficient appliances and have LED lighting, optional extras such as solar panels, and efficient heating and cooling systems are also available. 

What safety regulations apply to tiny homes?

Some advantages of living in a tiny home include lower costs (both construction and ongoing expenses), reduced environmental impact, simplified lifestyle, easier maintenance, and the ability to be mobile or off-grid if desired.

Can I move my tiny home to a different location?

Yes, one of the advantages of tiny homes is their mobility. Our Tiny homes can be built on trailers, allowing them to be transported to different locations. However, be aware of local regulations regarding parking, permits, and transportation requirements.

How can I keep up to date with my build progress?

Once your build is underway with us, we keep you well informed and up to date with weekly progress photos or you are welcome to book a time to visit our sites to view the progress of your build.

What site preparation is required before my tiny home is delivered?

Site preparation is crucial for your tiny home to be stable and level when on site.  If you do not prepare your site properly, your home will not stay level and therefore may twist over time as the ground beneath moves.

Site preparation includes a compacted metal base for the wheels to be situated upon and in all four corners of the tiny home.

We can provide contact details for site preparation companies in your area if you need help with this.

All anchor point connections on the tiny home need to be connected with chains into the ground screws or suitable piles into solid ground that the tiny home can be anchored to. This ensures the tiny house will not move or tip over in floods and high winds.

FAQs: Living in a Tiny Home.

Can I have pets in a tiny home?

Yes, you can have pets in a tiny home. However, it is important to consider the limited space and make suitable arrangements for their comfort and well-being.

How do I manage storage in a tiny home?

Storage was a key consideration in the design of our tiny homes, we've optimised with built-in storage solutions.

You can also maximize space with multi-purpose furniture, and clever organisation systems. Minimalism and decluttering are also beneficial for maximizing storage capacity.

What are the options for heating and cooling a tiny home?

Our Tiny homes are designed with warmth in mind, they are fully insulated with double glazed windows. In most cases a standard heater would be sufficient in warming your home (bearing in mind your location and local temperatures). We do have heating solutions available as optional extras, such as heat pumps and solar systems. 

Is it possible to have a composting toilet in a tiny home?

Yes, composting toilets are a popular option in tiny homes. They provide an eco-friendly way to manage waste without the need for traditional plumbing or septic systems. We can work with you to get what works for you. 

How do I handle waste and recycling in a tiny home?

Implement a waste management system that includes proper sorting, recycling, and composting. Consider waste reduction strategies such as purchasing products with minimal packaging.

What are the zoning restrictions for parking a tiny home?

Zoning regulations for parking a tiny home can vary depending on the location and local bylaws. Some areas may permit parking on private property, while others may require designated tiny home communities or specific zoning classifications.

How do I address privacy concerns in a tiny home?

Privacy can be managed through landscaping, fences, or strategic placement of the tiny home on the property can also enhance privacy.

Are there any legal requirements for insurance on a tiny home?

Insurance requirements for tiny homes can vary, and it is recommended to consult with insurance providers who specialise in tiny homes. Coverage options may include liability insurance, structural coverage, and personal property protection.

How do I handle extreme weather conditions in a tiny home?

Our Tiny homes are thoughtfully designed to withstand extreme weather conditions. We prioritise the use of weather-resistant materials, ensuring proper insulation and durable roofing. Energy-efficient windows are incorporated to maximise efficiency. In addition, we recommend implementing measures such as storm shutters and reinforced tie-downs for added protection during severe weather events. Rest assured, your safety and comfort are our top priorities when it comes to designing and constructing your tiny home.

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